Imatinib for COVID-19

Trial NameStatusSponsorFurther Details
COUNTER-COVID - Oral imatinib to prevent pulmonary vascular leak in COVID-19 – a randomized, single-blind, placebo controlled, clinical trial in patients with severe COVID-19 diseaseCompleteAmsterdam UMCDetails
Prospective, phase II, randomized, open-label, parallel group study to evaluate the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine together with baricitinib, imatinib or early lopinavir / ritonavir in patients with SARS Cov2 pneumonia (COVID-19 HUF)On-goingHospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, SpainDetails
Treatments to Decrease the Risk of Hospitalization or Death in Elderly Outpatients With Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)Imatinib recruitment stoppedUniversity Hospital, Bordeaux, FranceDetails
Trial of Imatinib for Hospitalized Adults With COVID-19On-goingUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore, USADetails
A randomized controlled pilot study on the safety & efficacy of imatinib for the treatment of patient with moderate to severe SARS-COV-2 induced pneumonia.
UnknownAlexandria University, EgyptDetails
Imatinib in COVID-19 disease in aged patientsNot-Yet RecruitingVersailles Hospital, FranceDetails
Efficacy of Imatinib in mild SARS Cov2 infection: A randomized studyOpen to recruitmentAll India Institute of medical Sciences, New Delhi, IndiaDetails
Intravenous imatinib for COVID 19 related ARDSPrematurely endedAmsterdam UMC, location VUmcDetails
WHO Solidarity Finland: The multicenter trial on the efficay of different anti-viral drugs on SARS-CoV-2 infected patientsOngoingUniversity of HelsinkiDetails
Imatinib for COVID-19: A case reportAlejandro Morales-Ortega, David Bernal-Bello, Cristina Llarena-Barroso, Begoña Frutos-Pérez, Miguel Ángel Duarte-Millán, Vanessa García de Viedma-García, Ana Isabel Farfán-Sedano, Eduardo Canalejo-Castrillero, José Manuel Ruiz-Giardín, Justo Ruiz-Ruiz , Juan Víctor San Martín-López Clin Immunol
. 2020 Sep;218:108518
Free Text Article
Pathophysiology, Transmission, Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)W. Joost Wiersinga, MD, PhD; Andrew Rhodes, MD, PhD; Allen C. Cheng, MD, PhD; Sharon J. Peacock, PhD; Hallie C. Prescott, MD, MScJAMA, 2020;324(8):782-793Free Text Article
Identification of SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitors using Lung and Colonic OrganoidsHan, Y. 2020Free Text Article
Genetic Mechanisms of critical illness in Covid-19Pairo-Castineira, E., Clohisey, S., Klaric, L. et al. Nature 2020Free Text Article
Early clinical experience with imatinib in COVID-19: Searching for a dual effectAlejandro Morales-Ortega, Luis Rivas-Prado, Begoña Frutos-Pérez, Beatriz Jaenes-Barrios, Ana Isabel Farfán-Sedano, Carlos Javier García-Parra, Belén Hernández-Muniesa, Miguel Ángel Duarte-Millán, Elena Madroñal-Cerezo, Ana Ontañón-Nasarre, José Manuel Ruiz-Giardín, Fernando Bermejo, Mario García-Gil, Sonia Gonzalo-Pascua, Juan Víctor San Martín-López, David Bernal-BelloJournal of Infection
February 04,2021
Free Text Article
Imatinib in patients with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trialJurjan Aman, PhD; Erik Duijvelaar, MD; Liza Botros, MD; Azar Kianzad, MD; Job R Schippers, MD Patrick J Smeele, MD et alThe Lancet Respiratory MedicineFree Text Article
Elevated acute phase proteins affect pharmacokinetics in COVID-19 trials: lessons from the CounterCOVID -imatinib studyImke H. Bartelink, Pierre M. Bet, Nicolas Widmer, Monia Guidi, Erik Duijvelaar, Bram Grob, Richard Honeywell, Amanda Evelo, Ivo P. E. Tielbeek, Sue D Snape, Henrike Hamer, Laurent A. Decosterd, Harm Jan Bogaard, Jurjan Aman, Eleonora L. Swart,CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems PharmacologyFree Text Article
A randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, clinical trial evaluating imatinib in patients with severe COVID-19 (COUNTER COVID)J AmanERS International Congress 2021ERS presentation J.Aman Sept 2021
Long term clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients treated with imatinibErik Duijvelaar; Job R Schippers; Patrick J Smeele; Michiel Alexander de Raaf;
Arthur L E M Vanhove; Siebe G Blok; et al
The Lancet Respiratory MedicineFree Text Article
The INVENT COVID trial: a structured protocol for a randomized controlled trial investigating the efficacy and safety of intravenous imatinib mesylate (Impentri®) in subjects with acute respiratory distress syndrome induced by COVID-19Leila Atmowihardjo, Job R. Schippers, Imke H. Bartelink, Pierre M. Bet, Nienke van Rein, Keith Purdy, David Cavalla, Valérie Comberiati, Andrew McElroy, Sue D. Snape, Harm Jan Bogaard, Leo Heunks, Nicole Juffermans, Marcus Schultz, Pieter R. Tuinman, Lieuwe D. J. Bos & Jurjan Aman TrialsDetails
Immunomodulation and endothelial barrier protection mediate the association between oral imatinib and mortality in hospitalised COVID-19 patientsJustin de Brabander, Erik Duijvelaar, Job R. Schippers, Patrick J. Smeele, Hessel Peters-Sengers, Jan Willem Duitman, Jurjan Aman, Harm J. Bogaard, Tom van der Poll, Lieuwe D.J. Bos on behalf of the CounterCOVID study groupEuropean Respiratory JournalDetails
Endothelial barrier function and post-COVID consequencesErik DuijvelaarESC Congress 2021See presentation

REMAP-CAP: A Randomised, Embedded, Multi-factorial, Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a syndrome in which individuals who have not been hospitalised recently develop an acute infection of the lungs. Bacterial and viral infections are responsible for the vast majority of CAP. CAP that is severe enough to require admission to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is associated with substantial risk of mortality.

Response to COVID-19

REMAP-CAP has implemented the Pandemic Appendix to the Core Protocol so that the platform can respond rapidly in the event of widespread disease resulting from the novel 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19). These changes include:

  • Modification of the primary end-point, so that information is available more quickly
  • Description of the statistical model that will be used to analyse data for patients with proven or suspected pandemic infection
  • Description of changes to statistical thresholds for declaring an intervention to be equivalent, superior, or inferior to another
  • Specification of pathways that permit the Data Safety Monitoring Board to liaise directly with public health authorities if REMAP-CAP produces results that are of relevance to public health

More details of the REMPAP-CAP response to COVID-19 can be found here